6 Contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Listening, Disertai Kunci Jawaban!

Contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Listening

Halo Goldeners, sesi listening biasanya sering menjadi salah satu momok yang kerap dijumpai oleh semua orang ketika mengikuti tes TOEFL, baik itu PBT dan lain-lain.

Hal ini dikarenakan sesi listening dalam tes TOEFL membutuhkan konsentrasi yang tinggi supaya Goldeners mudah untuk memahami isi dari apa yang disampaikan dari audio tersebut.

Nggak jarang apabila Goldeners sering banget salah menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan karena susah memahami dari apa yang sudah disampaikan dalam sesi listening tes TOEFL tersebut.

Padahal, sebenarnya mengerjakan soal listening itu mudah banget kalau Goldeners sendiri tahu strateginya yang tepat dan mengetahui pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering keluar pada saat tes TOEFL.

Oleh karena itu daripada menunggu kelamaan nggak jelas, lebih baik Goldeners baca artikel di bawah sampai habis sebagai persiapan menghadapi sesi listening tes TOEFL nantinya!

6 Contoh Soal Tes TOEFL Listening

Buat Goldeners yang ingin mempersiapkan diri demi menghadapi sesi listening tes TOEFL dengan penuh maksimal, inilah contoh soal yang bisa dijadikan referensi buat latihan yaitu:

Contoh Pertama

Man: Where are you going?

Woman: I want to look for the latest hit songs

Man: You mean that Ariana Grande song?

Woman: That’s right

Man: That means your taste in music is the same as mine.

Woman: Oh, I see

Man: Okay, I want to look for the latest books in the bookstore.

Woman: Alright

1. What is the essence of the above conversation?

A. Looking for the latest books

B. Looking for the latest Ariana Grande songs

C. Visiting a bookstore

D. Have the same taste in music

E. Looking for a suitable job

2. The meaning of Ariana Grande’s latest song in conversation number seven refers to

A. Problem

B. Love Me Harder

C. Side to Side

D. Thank U, Next

E. The Boy is Mine

3. In the third sentence, the man says his song tastes the same as the woman’s. The taste in songs that the man means is

A. Taylor Swift

B. Ariana Grande

C. Katy Perry

D. Camilla Cabello

E. Demi Lovato

Contoh Kedua

Henry: Hi Michael, what are you doing?

Michael: I’m looking for the latest video game release

Henry: Oh, I see

Michael: Why do you want to ask me?

Henry: I want to borrow a book to prepare for tomorrow’s Sociology exam.

Michael: I have the book. If you want to borrow it, you can make an appointment with me after school.

Henry: Okay, I’ll wait

Michael: Alright

4. In the second sentence of the conversation, Michael explains that he is looking for the latest video game. What video game is Michael referring to?

A. Grand Theft Auto V

B. Need For Speed Unbound

C. The Sims 4

D. Tetris Forever

E. Fallout 76

5. In the fifth sentence, Henry explains to Michael that he wants to borrow a book to study for tomorrow’s Sociology exam. What book does Henry refer to?

A. Sociology Textbook

B. Economics Textbook

C. Mathematics Textbook

D. Biology Textbook

E. Physics Textbook

6. In the sixth sentence of the conversation, Michael said that Henry should meet him after school to make an appointment to borrow the Sociology textbook. The time Michael meant was

A. Morning

B. Noon

C. Afternoon

D. Night

E. Midnight

Contoh Ketiga

William: Hello John, why were you absent from school yesterday?

John: My uncle passed away due to illness so I couldn’t attend.

William: I express my condolences on the passing of your uncle.

7. Why didn’t John come to school yesterday?

A. His uncle passed away

B. He had a motorbike accident

C. He woke up late so he was late for school

D. His house was flooded

E. He is currently traveling abroad

8. What is the meaning of the words in bold in the second sentence of the conversation?

A. Fatigue

B. Died

C. Faint

D. Wake up

E. Sleep

Contoh Keempat

Mother: Hi Jack, can you help me please?

Jack: What do you want to ask me for help with?

Mother: Could you please take the washed clothes to the drying rack?

Jack: Okay ma’am

9. What is the point of the conversation above?

A. Jack’s mother asked Jack to pick up the dirty dishes in the sink.

B. Jack’s mother asked Jack to take the washed clothes to the drying rack.

C. Jack’s mother asked Jack to clean his bedroom.

D. Jack’s mother asked Jack to study for tomorrow’s school exam.

E. Jack’s mother asked Jack to take the dirty clothes to the washing machine.

10. What are the benefits of the item that Jack’s mother mentioned in conversation sentence number three?

A. Holds previously cleaned dishes

B. Save newly purchased books

C. Store clothes that have been washed in the washing machine

D. Storing electronic items

E. Storing furniture items

Contoh Kelima

Robert: Hi Alfred, I see you seem to be having a hard time. What’s the problem?

Alfred: My laptop was damaged because it was often used for work.

Robert: I see. So you want to find the latest laptop for your future work?

Alfred: That’s right. I want to buy a new laptop for my future work.

Robert: Okay

11. What is the point of the conversation above?

A. Alfred wants to buy a new car to travel to the office.

B.  Alfred wants to visit Robert’s house.

C. Alfred wants to buy a new laptop to replace his previous laptop which is broken.

D. Alfred wants to climb the mountain with Robert

E.  Alfred wants to look for the latest books in the bookstore.

12. What new laptop did Alfred mean when asked by Robert referring to conversation sentence number four?

A. Asus Zenbook S 16

B. Lenovo Thinkpad T450

C. Dell XPS 13

D. Lenovo Yoga 910

E. Dell Latitude 10

Contoh Keenam

Woman: This chocolate cake looks delicious

Man: Do you want to buy that chocolate cake?

Woman: Of course. Unfortunately, the chocolate cake is so expensive. I can’t afford to buy it myself.

Man: Then, how about I buy some chocolate cake for the both of us?

Woman: It’s okay as long as we can enjoy it together

Man: Okay

13. What is the point of the conversation above?

A. The woman wanted to buy stylish clothes but didn’t have enough money

B. The woman wanted to buy a delicious chocolate cake but didn’t have enough money

C. The woman wanted to buy some luxurious jewelry but didn’t have enough money.

D. The man wanted to buy a delicious chocolate cake but didn’t have enough money.

E. The man wanted to buy the latest video game but didn’t have enough money.

14. The reason why the woman couldn’t afford the chocolate cake was

A. Chocolate cake that is considered too sweet

B. The price of chocolate cake is too expensive

C. The chocolate cake was considered to be of poor quality.

D. The woman doesn’t like chocolate cake.

E. The chocolate cake is considered delicious.

15. What is meant by the word in bold in conversation sentence number four?

A. Man

B. Woman

C. Man and Woman

D. Children

E. Grandparent

Kunci Jawaban

  1. a. Looking for the latest Ariana Grande songs
  2. e. The Boy is Mine
  3. b. Ariana Grande
  4. d. Tetris Forever
  5. a. Sociology Textbook
  6. c. Afternoon
  7. a. His uncle passed away
  8. b. Died
  9. b. Jack’s mother asked Jack to take the washed clothes to the drying rack.
  10. c. Store clothes that have been washed in the washing machine
  11. c. Alfred wants to buy a new laptop to replace his previous laptop which is broken
  12. a. Asus Zenbook S 16
  13. b. The woman wanted to buy a delicious chocolate cake but didn’t have enough money
  14. b. The price of chocolate cake is too expensive
  15. c. Man and Woman

Itulah 6 contoh soal tes TOEFL sesi listening yang sering banget muncul sebagai persiapan untuk menghadapi ujian tersebut dengan penuh rasa percaya diri yang tinggi.

Sebenarnya, mengerjakan soal tes TOEFL listening itu mudah banget kalau Goldeners sendiri tahu materi apa saja yang sering keluar dan mau berlatih dengan penuh sungguh-sungguh.

Dengan mengetahui soal yang sering keluar saat tes TOEFL listening, maka ini akan membantu Goldeners untuk mengerjakannya dengan tepat demi mendapatkan skor akhir yang bagus.

Kalau Goldeners ingin berlatih mengerjakan soal TOEFL listening dengan penuh semangat dan percaya diri yang tinggi, kenapa nggak memutuskan mencoba saja di Golden Online Class?

Di sana, Goldeners akan diajarkan metode pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang tentunya berbeda daripada yang lain serta tutor yang sudah berpengalaman di bidangnya dan native speaker!

Tunggu apa lagi? Buruan daftarkan diri atau ajak orang terdekat untuk mencoba di Golden Online Class sebagai persiapan mengerjakan soal tes TOEFL listening yang efektif!

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